5.1 Conclusion
Based on the result of the research in SMAN 2 Banjarmasin, the use of pre-reading activities as motivating strategy has made different achievement between two classes and also has improved the students’ achievement of reading comprehension, especially the students’ in experimental group.
The improvement of both classes can be proved from the average scores in pre-test and post-test. The average score of pre-test in experimental class is 68.57, and in the post-test is 85.28. Meanwhile the average score of pre-test in control class is 72, and in post-test is 78.43. This is also proven through the calculation of t-test. Since t-test result from both result of pre-test and post-test of experimental and control class is higher than t-table, it can be inferred that pre-reading activity as motivating strategy has given significant improvement to the students of experimental class.
The improvement of both classes can be proved from the average scores in pre-test and post-test. The average score of pre-test in experimental class is 68.57, and in the post-test is 85.28. Meanwhile the average score of pre-test in control class is 72, and in post-test is 78.43. This is also proven through the calculation of t-test. Since t-test result from both result of pre-test and post-test of experimental and control class is higher than t-table, it can be inferred that pre-reading activity as motivating strategy has given significant improvement to the students of experimental class.
There were some activities that could be used as pre-reading activity, such as: KWL chart, showing picture, showing video, pre-questioning, vocabulary building, and predicting based on title. Each activity had its own advantage to the students. Using KWL chart helped students making their purpose in a text they were going to read by what they have known before about the text. By showing picture and/ or video, students could get image of a text they were going to read. By pre-questioning, students could build their background knowledge to comprehend a text they would read. Using vocabulary building helped students to enrich their vocabulary that they were going to use to comprehend the text they would read. Meanwhile using predicting based on title helped students in conceptualizing what they were going to read.
5.2 Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, several suggestions are proposed:
- English teachers in SMAN 2 Banjarmasin are suggested to use pre-reading activities as motivating strategy regularly in teaching reading in order to improve students’ comprehension on reading texts. It is also recommended to keep using various media such as LCD and laptop in order to make pre-reading activities become more interesting.
- Other researchers are recommended to conduct further studies in this field by enlarging the scope or the subjects of the research.
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