Uda lama banget nih ga share apa-apa di blog. Uda 2 bulan lebih kan ya? Ckckck.
Maklum aja dah, 2 bulan terakhir emang lagi sibuk-sibuknya sama yang namanya "SKRIPXX". Hehehe..
But well, Alhamdulillah urusan skripxx sekarang uda kelar, tinggal revisi dikit, jilid, yudisium, terus wisuda deh :)
Nah kali ini pengen nge-post ucapan terima kasih dulu deh buat yang uda banyak membantu selama proses pengerjaan skripxxku, ato dalam skripxx, bagian ini biasa disebut "Acknowledgement".
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, I am really grateful to Allah Subhanallahu Wata'ala for His blessings due to accomplishment of my thesis, entitled "A Comparative Study of Pre-reading Activities Effect on the Reading Comprehension of Students of Tenth Grade of SMAN 2 Banjarmasin". Hereby, I also want to give my deepest gratitude to:
- My beloved Bapa (M. Saud Samaila), Mama (Yanti Hertini), and Ade (Verdha Triyan Saputra; @VERDH4), for their endless love, pray, help, support, and everything they have given and done for me.
- Riovanni Francinni (@RFrancinni) , for his love, pray, support, help, and everything he has given and done for me; Also for his Mamah, Papah, Kak Yohan, and Ester for their support and pray for me.
- My 2nd thesis advisor, Mrs. Jumariati, S.Pd., M.Pd., for her kindness, patience, support, advice, and help.
- My academic advisor, Mrs. Elvina Arapah, S.Pd., for her kindness, advice,and help in all the time of my education in English Department.
- English teacher of tenth grade of SMAN 2 Banjarmasin, Mrs. Dra. Herlina, for her kindness and help to make everything easier when I conducted my research in SMAN 2 Banjarmasin.
- My lovely Alin (@alliiinnnn) and Sofie (@siSofie), for being great sisters for me, and for all of the time we share together.
- My girls in D'Perchonielz: Dian (@itsdeeeee), Rerez (@re_rezz), Naia (@Naia898), Hazn (@Haznkawaii), Ika (@ikafebianina), Kiky (@missqqay), and Intan (@IntanJulietthea), for being my beloved best friends in all the time I m being an English Department student.
- All of my brothers and sisters in batch 2008 English Department, especially Fikli, Sigit (@HaryadiSigit22), Rhe (@Rhefine), Abah (@Joefishar), and Biboy (@Bibzdjunior555), for the kindness and friendship that they have shared to me.
- All friends and colleagues involved in writing my thesis whose name couldn't be mentioned one by one.
I really praise Allah SWT that I could finish my thesis on time. Thank u everyone for everything. I just could do this without ur support, pray, and help. I love u all :)
Best regard,
Rindha Dwi Maila Putri