Acknowledgement ;)

| 17 Agu 2012
Uda lama banget nih ga share apa-apa di blog. Uda 2 bulan lebih kan ya? Ckckck.
Maklum aja dah, 2 bulan terakhir emang lagi sibuk-sibuknya sama yang namanya "SKRIPXX". Hehehe..
But well, Alhamdulillah urusan skripxx sekarang uda kelar, tinggal revisi dikit, jilid, yudisium, terus wisuda deh :)

Nah kali ini pengen nge-post ucapan terima kasih dulu deh buat yang uda banyak membantu selama proses pengerjaan skripxxku, ato dalam skripxx, bagian ini biasa disebut "Acknowledgement".

Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, I am really grateful to Allah Subhanallahu Wata'ala for His blessings due to accomplishment of my thesis, entitled "A Comparative Study of Pre-reading Activities Effect on the Reading Comprehension of Students of Tenth Grade of SMAN 2 Banjarmasin". Hereby, I also want to give my deepest gratitude to:
  1. My beloved Bapa (M. Saud Samaila), Mama (Yanti Hertini), and Ade (Verdha Triyan Saputra; @VERDH4), for their endless love, pray, help, support, and everything they have given and done for me.
  2. Riovanni Francinni (@RFrancinni) , for his love, pray, support, help, and everything he has given and done for me; Also for his Mamah, Papah, Kak Yohan, and Ester for their support and pray for me.
  3. My 2nd thesis advisor, Mrs. Jumariati, S.Pd., M.Pd., for her kindness, patience, support, advice, and help.
  4. My academic advisor, Mrs. Elvina Arapah, S.Pd., for her kindness, advice,and help in all the time of my education in English Department.
  5. English teacher of tenth grade of SMAN 2 Banjarmasin, Mrs. Dra. Herlina, for her kindness and help to make everything easier when I conducted my research in SMAN 2 Banjarmasin.
  6. My lovely Alin (@alliiinnnn) and Sofie (@siSofie), for being great sisters for me, and for all of the time we share together.
  7. My girls in D'Perchonielz: Dian (@itsdeeeee), Rerez (@re_rezz), Naia (@Naia898), Hazn (@Haznkawaii), Ika (@ikafebianina), Kiky (@missqqay), and Intan (@IntanJulietthea), for being my beloved best friends in all the time I m being an English Department student.
  8. All of my brothers and sisters in batch 2008 English Department, especially Fikli, Sigit (@HaryadiSigit22), Rhe (@Rhefine), Abah (@Joefishar), and Biboy (@Bibzdjunior555), for the kindness and friendship that they have shared to me.
  9. All friends and colleagues involved in writing my thesis whose name couldn't be mentioned one by one.
I really praise Allah SWT that I could finish my thesis on time. Thank u everyone for everything. I just could do this without ur support, pray, and help. I love u all :)

Best regard,

Rindha Dwi Maila Putri

Penguin Grumpy Mad Kawaii

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