This time I just wanna post some photos of my classmates from my last-year class of SMAN 1 Muara teweh: XII IA 1. So, here they are ;)
Tema Pemilihan KKR SMA Tk. Nasional Jamnas UKS 2007
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Post kali ini adalah tema penulisan esai untuk tes Kader Kesehatan Remaja (KKR) Tk. Nasional di Malang, 2007, yang kemudian dijadikan sebagai bahan simulasi penyuluhan.
Tugas Seni
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Kalo yang ini tugas bikin lagu buat mata pelajaran seni. Waktu itu uda sempat direkam. Tapi sayang pas uda selesai dinilai, tuh kaset malah hilang. Padahal perlu usaha keras buat nyelesain tuh rekaman :D
Anyway, thanks a lot to the crews: Budi, Ekky, Reddy, Enggar, Dius, Dio, and Onyeng ')
English Assignment
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Rencananya sih ini bakal jadi lagu buat tugas Bahasa Inggris kelas X. Cuma sayangnya belum sempat dicari melodinya. So, ujung-ujungnya jadi kinda poem aja dah :D
My Speech on National Mother's Day 2007
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This speech was the speech that brought me became a winner in Speech Contest to celebrate The National Mother's Day in Barito Utara Regency, December 2007
Short Drama
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Jujur Itu Mahal Harganya
Siang itu cuaca sangat panas. Ekky yang kelelahan setelah berkeliling dari kantor ke kantor untuk melamar pekerjaan, namun selalu ditolak bahkan sempat beberapa kali diusir satpam dengan kasar, duduk termenung sendirian di bangku taman.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Suggestion
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29 Agu 2012
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the result of the research in SMAN 2 Banjarmasin, the use of pre-reading activities as motivating strategy has made different achievement between two classes and also has improved the students’ achievement of reading comprehension, especially the students’ in experimental group.
Chapter 4: Research Findings and Discussion
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In this chapter, research subject and data analysis obtained from tests, observation, and documentation collected will be described. These data give information about how pre-reading activity which is used as motivating strategy in teaching reading influences the achievement of reading comprehension. It is then used in explaining the question that is proposed in Chapter One.
Chapter 3: Method of the Research
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3.1 Research Design
The research is a comparative experimental research. Frankel and Wallen (2006:267) state that experimental research is type of research that directly attempts to influence a particular variable, and when properly applied, it is the best type of testing hypothesis about cause and effect relationship. The major characteristic of experimental research is that researchers manipulate the independent variable.
Chapter 2: Review of the Literature
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2.1 Reading Comprehension
Reading a text is not only about reading the whole sentences in it, but also about getting information from it. Getting information from a reading material can be very difficult if the readers cannot comprehend what they read well. Because of this fact, comprehending the text becomes a very important thing for readers.
Chapter 1: Introduction
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1.1 Background of the Study
The teaching of English as a foreign language (henceforth TEFL) in Indonesian junior and senior high schools has been focused on developing the four language skills with various degrees of proficiency. Techniques, methods, approaches in teaching; listening, speaking, reading, writing, also the proficiency and accuracy have been the most discussed issues in EFL discourse in Indonesia.
Abstract of My Thesis
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Rindha Dwi Maila Putri. 2012. A Comparative Study on the Effect of Pre-reading Activities on the Reading Comprehension of the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 2 Banjarmasin. Sarjana’s Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The first advisor: Dra. Rina Listia, M.Pd., the second advisor: Jumariati, S.Pd., M.Pd
Things I Want To Do Before I Die
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This post is inspired by a trending topic on twitter last night. An interesting topic. Actually I was so excited to tweet about it. But u know what, I just couldn't think about those 10 things I want to do before I die, because there are so many things that I want to do in my life time.
This post is inspired by a trending topic on twitter last night. An interesting topic. Actually I was so excited to tweet about it. But u know what, I just couldn't think about those 10 things I want to do before I die, because there are so many things that I want to do in my life time.
Life is the greatest gift Allah gives to me. He gives me a chance to live in this beautiful world, to see those colors of nature, to feel the wind, and many more things.
He gives me the most amazing family, the best Mama, Bapa, and Ade in the world.
He gives me opportunity to meet many people with their different characteristics. I learn many things from those people.
He also gives me opportunity to get many experiences -- various experiences -- which make me so proud of being me :)
What a beautiful life. I thank God for everything I have and get in my life :)
Many things that I want to do before I die.
The first and the most important one is I want to please and make my family proud of me. I'll do everything to make sure they are happy and proud of me. I try hard to always be the best in every chance I have. I live my life to be the best daughter and sister for them :)
The second one, I want to be a good wife for my future husband, and a good mommy for my future children. I always dream for a happy family, my husband, our kids, and me. It's gonna be so great if we can build a happy family together. I m just so inspired by my parents. They build the best family ever successfully. I m sure that I can do the same thing, even better ^^
Those are two most important things that I want to do before I die.
These next things are also the things that I always dream to do:
- Going haj pilgrimage with my Mama, Bapa, Ade, and also my future husband.
- Getting married on my 25th birthday.
- Taking pre-wedding photographs on a beautiful beach with its white sand and blue sea.
- Inviting my best friends, especially my best girls: Alin, Sofie, & D'Perchonielz to my wedding.
- Inviting some "special" people to my wedding and smiling at them to show that I can be much better than them.
- Having a couple of twin sons.
- Being a teacher in a border area.
- Going abroad, especially to my dream countries: Holland and Austria.
- Being a volunteer in a disaster area.
- Singing on my wedding and having duet with my future husband.
- Singing on a big stage with an orchestra.
- Going around Indonesia, enjoying those beautiful and unique places, coming into a purilieus, and doing many extraordinary things there.
- Mastering some foreign languages.
- And many more things that I can spend a whole day only to type them here. Hahahaha..
So don't ask me what the 10 things that I want to do before I die, I just can't explain all in 10 sentences only. LOL.
No Jodoh-Jodohan ;)
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25 Agu 2012
Bonjour :)
Pagi pertama di Banjarmasin setelah sekian minggu menikmati kebebasan libur Lebaran di Muara Teweh bareng keluarga tersayang.
At The End of My Thesis Story
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17 Agu 2012
17 Agustus 2012
Oke, bertepatan dengan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke 67 hari ini, aku juga bakal share tentang kemerdekaanku dari belenggu status "Mahasiswa". Yey, officially aku uda bukan mahasiswa lagi terhitung mulai tanggal 10 Agustus 2012 yang lalu :)
10 Agustus 2012, Alhamdulillah aku uda ngelewatin ujian skripxxku and sukses dapat nilai A. Keren kan yak *senyum sombong
Perjuangan nyelesain skripxx yang benar-benar berat. Well yah mungkin bakal sebanding sama perjuangan Sun Go Kong buat ngedapatin kitab suci #Abaikan
Berawal dari bulan Februari yang lalu. Yah, yang namanya nangis gegara makan hari, kesel, marah, itu uda ga kehitung saking seringnya. Ini uda pernah aku share di sini, and sini.
Sempat down, desperate, and benar-benar hampir nyerah waktu itu. Semacam uda ga ada harapan lagi buat bisa lulus dan diwisuda taon ini.
Tapi benar yah, Allah ga pernah tinggal diam. Dalam 1 kesulitan, pasti selalu ada 3 kemudahan. Alhamdulillah, penelitianku di SMAN 2 Banjarmasin benar-benar dipermudah, urusan surat-menyurat juga. Gitu pula dengan urusan sama Advisor 2. Seenggaknya skripxxku masih bisa tetap jalan walo mungkin bisa dibilang lebih lambat dari ngesotnya bayi yang belum belajar jalan -.-"
Finally, awal Ramadhan kemaren aku putusin buat pulkam setelah ngumpul draft chapter 4-5 ku ke Advisor 2. Ya emang uda lumayan lama tuh ga pulang, daripada ntar tiba-tiba Mama sama Bapa jadi ga kenal lagi sama anak ceweknya yang uda makin "cantik" and "langsing"selama pengerjaan skripxx, gegara uda lama ga balik ke rumah #SilakanSkipBagianIni
Then, 2 minggu di rumah, uda semacam lupa aja nih klo ada benda bernama skripxx yang nuntut buat segera diselesein. Sampe akhirnya buka-buka facebook yang uda berdebu saking lama ga dikunjungin, and nemu kalender akademik yang di-upload sama akun prodi. Di kalender akademik itu tercantum tanggal pendaftaran akhir ujian skripsi sama tanggal akhir pendaftaran yudisium. Sempat nangis sejadi-jadinya malam itu cz uda bisa mastiin kalo tanggal-tanggal itu ga bakal bisa ku kejar, yah walo sebenarnya tuh tanggal ga bakal lari kemana-mana juga :-|
Atas dukungan Mama, akhirnya aku balik ke Banjarmasin buat ngelanjutin revisi chapter 4-5 and kalo bisa sesegera mungkin nyelesein skripxxku. No matter uda ga mungkin sempat daftar buat ujian lagi, yang penting cepat kelar. Wess!
Pertolongan Allah pun turun lewat Bu Jum, Advisor 2 ku. Dengan bantuan beliau akhirnya aku bisa nyelesein skripxxku dalam waktu 3 hari (plus lembur 3 malam). Atas bantuan beliau juga akhirnya aku bisa daftar ujian skripxx walo sebenarnya uda melewati deadline yang ada di kalender akademik.
Dalam seminggu itu benar-benar perjuangan keras banget. Mulaidari nyelesein skripxx dalam waktu 3 hari (plus lembur 3 malam) itu, melengkapi berkas buat pendaftaran ujian skripxx, persiapan ujian skripxx, sampe melengkapi berkas pendaftaran yudisium yang deadlinenya tepat di hari ujian skripxxku.
Semuanya dikerjain benar-benar in rush. Ga pernah nyangka kalo akhirnya bisa selesai tepat waktu dengan nilai yang memuaskan banget :)
Perjuangan seminggu itu ternyata ga cuma soal skripxx and balap-balapan sama deadline, tapi ada ujian lain yang Allah kasih sehari sebelum ujian skripxxku.
I got an accident. Yup, kecelakaan yang bikin aku harus melewati malam sebelum ujian skripxx tanpa tidur sama sekali. Bukan perkara gugup cz bakal ujian besok paginya, tapi cz nahan sakit yang bikin mata tetap melek sepanjang malam.
Serius yang paling bikin nyesek sebenarnya adalah aku uda bikin Mama sama Bapa khawatir berat sama keadaanku. Akhirnya Bapa mutusin buat berangkat ke Banjarmasin malam itu juga :'(
Ga cuma sampe situ, besok harinya, di hari ujian skripxxku, mau ga mau aku harus ujian dengan tangan diperban, dan digendong di leher. Duh..
Tapi thank God, sejak kecelakaan itu, Allah mempertemukan aku sama banyak orang baik, bahkan orang-orang yang belum pernah aku kenal sebelumnya. Berkat mereka, I could pass my examination well.
Dari kecelakaan itu juga aku jadi tau kalo aku beruntung banget cz punya saudara-saudara yang luar biasa perhatian sama aku di EngDept'08. Thanks a lot for them :)
Buat detail kecelakaan and juga hal-hal yang terjadi setelah kecelakaan itu mungkin bakal aku share di post yang lain.
Thanks a lot for reading :)
Acknowledgement ;)
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Uda lama banget nih ga share apa-apa di blog. Uda 2 bulan lebih kan ya? Ckckck.
Maklum aja dah, 2 bulan terakhir emang lagi sibuk-sibuknya sama yang namanya "SKRIPXX". Hehehe..
But well, Alhamdulillah urusan skripxx sekarang uda kelar, tinggal revisi dikit, jilid, yudisium, terus wisuda deh :)