1.What's Ur Name?
2.Where Do You Live?
Muara Teweh, Central Kalimantan,Indonesia
3.School or College?
College walo muka emang kek masih school gitu kan ya? #NoOffense
4. Place and date of birth?
Muara Teweh, July 31,1990
5. Sequence from elementary school until up to now?
Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School, College.
6.since when you playing internet?
My last year in junior high school.
7.join first in?
Yahoo! Mail
10. Email addresses you used?
11.often online in?
Sekarang? Twitter
12. Game is being played lately?
I m not sure -_-a Anak kuliahan semester akhir, kga punya waktu buat main game kaleee..
13. Which has the biggest challenge?
Ga maen game gw bilang !!! Ckckck..
14.your status?
In a relationship.
15 who always wall-to-wall with you every day?
In facebook? I have not written wall-to-wall anymore these days. Ga main facebook lagi sekarang.
16. How many wall?
Ga maen facebook lagi gw bilang !!! Bikin emosi nih :@
17.That being near with you?
Nanya lagi. Minta tabok lu??
18.since when??
Yaoloooh..emang ngeselin ya. Uda dikasih tau kaga maen facebook lagi juga -_-a much do u have a cellphone??
Benerin grammar pertanyaan lu dulu deh.
20.what brand?
Hape? Ngapa emang lu perlu tau??
Step 2 : Advanced
21.Work that is being occupied?
Kga ada.
Tuh kata artinya "lemak babi" bukan?
23.Twitter Name?
IndaSaud, follow ya :D online with??
Handphone and laptop.
25.The Reason?
Suka-suka gw. Yang penting kga minjem ama elu :p
26.Favourites Foods??
Apa aja yg gratis (no buncis, no nanas, no keju)
27. favourite drinks??
Apple juice.
28.favourites instants food
Mie kali ya.. Lu nanyanya "instant food" sih. Susah gw mikirnya. u have laptop?
Lah ini lagi dipake.
30.ur OS Computers now??
Windows 7.
31.ur wallpaper in ur comp?
Privasi, Sob !!!
32.where do u got it??
Gw kata apa? Privasi !!!
33.The flow of your favorite music?
Diksi lu bermasalah banget kayaknya ya. Napa pake "flow"? Napa ga pake "genre"?
Anyway, gw suka pop.
34.ur favourites band??
Sheila on 7 :)
35.u dont like band??
Uda gw jawab kaleee -_-"
36.ur favourites Singer??
Myself. Protes? Gw gampar nih !!!
37.japannesse favourites band???
Doraemon #NoOffense
39.favourites actor/actress
Yang gw liat pas gw lagi ngaca, myself.
40.favourites tv series??
No one.
Step 3: Short Info
41.ur cellphone message ringtone??
Message 8
42.ur cellphone recevied call ringthone??
43.who send u a message last night
My boy
44.its contents??
Privasi kaleee. Ga usah nanya gitu bisakan?
45.Speed dial number 1 on ur phone?
*888# Buat ngecek pulsa.
46.who call u last time
Mama. inbox in ur phone last week??
Lupa, uda didelete semua soalnya.
48.ur cellphone wallpaper??
Ganti2 hampir tiap jam.
49.ur cellphone card??
TSel, Im3 sama 3. one week,how much u spend ur money for buying pulse?
Pake acara nanya. Mau ngebayarin emang??
51.first contact person name in ur phone??
52.last contact person name in ur phone??
Lupa, malas ngecek..
53.last time chat in YM
Beberapa hari yg lalu.
54.ur YM adress
55.Last message you received?
PRIVASI, ngerti???
56.from who??
Banyak nanya yah. Argh..
57.ur mood today
Bete. Elu sih banyakan nanya :p
58.if u got a vacation ticket,where u will go??
Jogja. eh..uda punya tiket. Malang deh. Btw, ini lokal apa gimana??
59.Quote want Presented?
Ga ada.
60.last word???
Nih ditanya-tanya gini, gw dapat honor kga sih???
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